jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

My sisters and I.

The photo that I chose for write today is one that my mother took when I was a baby with my sister, she took because it was Christmas and she invites Santa Claus to spend with us. We are just three sisters and we are very close now, well the picture shows me, my sisters and our guest (Santa) when he came to visit in person to deliver our gifts.

The reason why it is special to me is because my mother dress up at three in the same way, the same clothes but different sizes, same shoes but different sizes, the reason why she did that is for any of us feel less than the other and not fighting, in fact I think she lost her mind or something but is my mother and I love her.

This photo was taken at Christmas 1990, was the most exciting Christmas for my sisters and I, we could finally be with Santa Claus, but everyone thinks that my father is the gentleman in question, but my father was not in the city that Christmas, so it's impossible for him to be Santa Claus, he would have liked to be our Santa Claus.

Well the picture bring me a lot of nostalgic because I do not remember that time in my life as my sisters, I live across the photos the happy moments that I can´t remember.

Thanks for reading today. Goodbye and Kisses

sábado, 14 de mayo de 2011

Problems in Chile.

Hello everybody

Today I speak about problems in Chile for example is the poor management of natural resources and unclear laws on the handling of these, the main dispute centers on the destruction of ecosystems to supply energy for the future, as is the case HidroAysén the low profitability and the investigation of other complementary energies to replace these plants do not currently exist.

My position on these issues is to look at both sides of the equation, obviously the destruction of nature is a price too high for our needs and change to address this problem in the future is the energy education each change begins at home.

for this is that the main weapon against the destruction or violence / herself on the streets these last days is education, we can arm ourselves with education to address future problems, have an awareness that natural resources are finite beings and not abuse them.

I believe government must innovate instead of taking the same tools as always, if no progress as a nation we do not develop and we get stuck in the same. Do not use so much violence in the streets and think about your future decisions.

Thanks for reading this post, bye.

miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

The News Paper Online.

Hello people
Today I will talk about the web site that I most visit, well I don’t have a prefer web site, but the most visit for me is the web of news paper, the majority of news paper have a web site and I visit the most of time www.emol.com and www.elciudadano.cl, the cause that I visit and read this paper is because I like read the information and contingency of the world and my country, also the news paper contain topics about culture, article and entertainment very fascinating.
I discovery this web sites by my Father, he is a fans of news paper in a real paper, and I help him the days when he don’t buy the news, he can read the paper online and free with me and we comment  the news, expended time together, etc.
 I visit this web site every day, I like read the news in the night after to sleep, I don’t know why I like this, but is a habit in me.
The web site of news paper doesn’t have something special to other people, but to me and my father is important and funny to read.
Well I hope you enjoy this topic. Bye